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CUY21SC Square Wave Electroporator

(CUY21 Electroporator)

 In Vivo, In Ovo, In Utero, Ex Vivo Electroporation

(Excellent Transfection Efficiency with Minimum Damage)




In Vivo

- Mouse : Muscle / Brain / Skin / Liver / Retina / Kidney / Bladder / Ovary
- Rat : Brain / Knee joint / Retina / Kidney / Liver / Skin / Bladder / Ovary
- Zebrafish : Fin / Retina
- Honeybee : Brain
- Planerian : Eye
- Xenopus : Embryo

In Utero

- Mouse & Rat Embryo : Spinal Cord / Hippocampus / Cortex / Telencephalon, etc
- Newborn Mouse & Rat : Retina / Cornea

In Ovo

- Chick Embryo : Neural tube / Lim bud / Mesencephalon / Optic vesicle, etc


Ex Vivo

- Mouse brain slice / Mouse embryo /
- Mouse embryo gonad / Mouse small intestine, etc


- Chondrosacroma

Single Cell

- Adherent Cell / Plant Protoplast




Application Range

The CUY21SC electroporator is desigend specifically for sensitive in vivo, in ovo, in utero and ex vivo electroporation.

Impedance Measurement

Because in vivo impedance (electrical resistance) is generally less stable than in vitro impedance, an accurate measurement of the target sample resistance prior to the electroporation event is the most important critical success factor for accurate and reproducibe electroporation.  Fluctuations in resistance impact on delivered current values and this negatively impacts reproducibility from one EP event to the next.  The CUY21SC automatically measures and displays the impedance of the target sample.    (For example, the resistance of an EP target varies according to physical experimental factors such as the volume of the sample, the buffer used and the distance between the electrodes).  In order to assure delivery of the optimal current, the researcher needs to ascertain the actual resistance of the target sample prior to the EP event.  The CUY21SC impedance measurement function enables the researcher to check the sample impedance prior to running the EP program and adjust it if the recorded impedance value deviates from the previously recorded value. This ensures reproducibility from one EP event to the next.


Automated and Highly Sensitive Current Measurement and Display

Consistent delivery of accurate electric current is the primary factor contributing to successful electroporation results.  Not only does the CUY21SC electropator automatically measures and display delivered current information, but it can contorl and measure delivered current from the low ampere (1mA) up to 1.60A.  The CUY21SC was developed to enhance the delivery of genes into sensitive targets such as Mouse and Rat: Brain, Embryo, Tissue Slice and Chick Embry.  For such and similarly sensitive targets, delivery of a controlled and low current is essential to avoid damage to the sensitive cell or brain targets.  The CUY21SC makes it possible to control the delivery of low current and automatically measures that delivery. Access to accurate output current information will assist researchers optimise their electroporation experiments and achieve consistence and reproducible results. Ability to deliver controlled, sensitive (low) currents will minimise damage to sensitive targets and increase transfection efficiency.

Accurate Low Voltage Square Wave Pulse Control & Measurement 

The CUY21SC was designed to ouput precise, low-voltage, square wave pulses that do not degrade over the course of the pulse.  Accurate and low-voltage square wave pulses ensure higher transfection efficiency and cause less damage to (especially sensitive) electroporation targets.  (Indeed, we have found that with the CUY21SC successful gene delivery into single cell/specific and sensitive targets is optimised in the 1V or 2V range).  With the CUY21SC the voltage can be set from 0.1 to 99.9V in 0.1V increments. This enables precise voltage control and precise current (below 10mA) measurement.  The low voltage range of the CUY21SC enables it to cover almost ALL in vivo, in utero, in ovo and ex vivo applicaitons.  This wide application-range is not something other electroporators offer and is an important considering when making a purchasing decision for your laboratory.  


Wide Application Range and an Extensive Range of Compatible Electrodes

Over 250 different electrode configurations have been designed and optimised for use with the CUY21SC electroporator.  Such an extensive electrode range extends the application range of the CUY21SC device.  This is another important consideration at the point of purchase, as researchers have to be mindful that they may, in the future, wish to expand their field of interest to include other electroporation applications.  Furthermore, custom-made electrodes can be easily designed and manufactured to suit your particular application of interest.  


Automatic Voltage Measurement

Actual output voltage can be measured after the electroporation event.  By checking the post EP event voltage, it is easy to determine whether the programmed voltage of the DC pulse was generated.  This is a useful cross-check to establish if something malfunctioned with the device.


Safety Function

When performing in vivo electroporations some researchers hold the electrodes by hand and as the conductive part of the electrode is exposed there is a potential safety risk of accidental electrocution. To prevent accidental electrocution, the CUY21SC has an integrated safety limit function. The electroporation program automatically shuts down when the current reaches its excess limit (1.60A).

LED Display & Ease of Operation

The seven independent LED displays (for each of the electroporation parameters) enable program settings and measured values to be checked at a glance. For example, measured voltage and current are displayed immediately after electroporation. Separate numerical keys also make it easy for the operator to edit a saved program or set a new one.



DC Waveform

Impedance Measurement


Pulse Length

Pulse Interval

Number of Pulses


Max. 35kΩ

0.1-99.9V (0.1V resolution)

0.05-99.9ms (0.01ms resolution)

0.1-999.9ms (0.1ms resolution)


Safety Limit (High Current)*..

Measured Output





Dimensions, Weight



Voltage:  0.1-99.9V

Current:   1-999mA (1mA resolution)

             ..  1.00-1.60A (0.01A resolution)


.99 programs

W360 x L380 x H180, 12.3Kg

115V or 220-240VV, 50/60Hz

* Safety function: When current exceeds the limit the electroporation program is automatically shut down.



Precision Square Wave Pulse 

In addition to the precise current control offered by the CUY21 system, the CUY21 system also delivers a precision Square Wave throughout its pulse (unlike the decaying square wave pulses delivered by competing devices)

Precision Square Wave Pulse for CUY21 Electroporator
 Precision Square Wave Pulse of CUY21 Electroporator



Improved Electroporation Transfection Efficiency with the CU902 Polarity Exchanger

 CU902 Polarity Exchanger
 CU902 Polarity Exchanger

During electroporation, DNA naturally moves to and accumulates at the positive (+) electrode pole (similar to the process in electrophoresis).  However, such accumulation (if not addressed) adversely impacts on electroporation transfection efficiency. The CU902 Polarity Exchanger addresses the sub-optimal effects of accumulation by reversing the electrical polarity of the electrodes during the electroporation event, thus preventing accumulation and ensuring better DNA uptake throughout the whole of the cells.


CUY21 System Multiple Applications and Electrode Selection

Multiple Applications



Electrode Selection for CUY21SC





Chick and Quail Embryo
(In Ovo)
Neural Tube (HH* stage 10)

Mesencephalon (HH* stage 10)

Diencephalon (HH* stage 10)


CUY610 series

CUY611 series


Chick Embryo (In Ovo)Optic Vesicl (HH stage 10)

Head Ectoderm (HH stage 10)

Lens (HH stage 10)

Lateral Plate Mesoderm (LPM)

Somitic Mesoderm (HH stage 7-9)

Limb Bud (HH stage 7-9)

Digestive Organ (HH stage 7-9)

Ventricle (HH stage 30)

Retina (HH stage 38-42)


CUY610 series

CUY611 series

CUY613 series

CUY614 & CUY615

CUY613 series
CUY614 & CUY615


Chick Embryo (Organ Culture)Digestive Organ Epithelial Cell (HH stage 27-28)CUY520P5


Chick Embryo (New Culture)Gastrulation (HH stage 3-7)

Neural Plate (HH stage 3-7)


CUY701 series combination (e.g., CUY701P2L and CUY701P2E)


Mouse Embyo (In Utero)Cerebral Cortex, All Area (E12.5)

Cerebral Cortex, All Area (> E13.5)

Cerebral Cortex, Specific Area (> E13.5)

Forebrain Ventricle (E14)

Spinal Cord (E10.5)


CUY650P5, P7

CUY650P0.5-3, CUY650P1-5




Mouse and Rat
(Whole Embryo Culture)
Neural Tube (Mouse: E9.5, Rat: E11.5)

Neural Plate (Mouse: E7-13

Metencephalon (Mous: E7-13)

Somite (Mouse: E7-13)

Telencephalon (Mouse: E7-13)

CUY520P15, P20, P25

CUY520P15, P20, P25


CUY650P3, P5, P10



Adult Mouse, Rat, Rabbit and Dog (In Vivo)Skin (Epidermis, Dermis, Hypodermis)CUY663 series


Adult Mouse, Rat, Rabbit, Dog and Monkey (DNA Vaccine)Posterior Region of Leg


Anterior Tibial Muscle

CUY560-3, 5 (Injection)

CUY650P3, P5 (Holding)

CUY647P10X5 (Holding)


Adult Mouse and Rat (In Vivo)Kidney






CUY250 series combination


Adult Mouse and Rat (In Vivo)Bladder





CUY650P5, P10


Adult Mouse and Rat (In Vivo)Synovial Membrane

Knee Cartilage

CUY650P5, P10


Adult Mouse and Rat (In Vivo)BrainCUY200S

*CUY21SC is recommended.


Newborn Mouse and Rat
(In Vivo)
Retina (P0-P3)


CUY675P3, P5

CUY670, CUY671P1


Newborn Mouse and Rat
(In Vivo)
Brain Ventricle (P0-P3)

Brain Ventricle (P4-P8)

CUY650P3, P5



Tissue Fragment (Ex Vivo)Brain Slice, Tissue Slice, Skin SliceCUY701series combination (e.g., CUY701P2L and CUY701P2E)

Bee (In Vivo)BrainCUY567




Xenopus Embryo (In Vivo)Stage 12.5CUY700P20 & CUY195P0.3


FishEggCUY535, CUY536

CUY537P0.3, P0.5


Plant (In Vivo)Seed EmbryoCUY495P10
*CUY21EDIT is recommended.


Adherent Cell, CUY513-5


Mammalian Adherent Cell
(Single Cell)

*CUY21SC is used.


Plant Protoplast (Single cell)*CUY21SC is used.


* HH: Hamburger Hamilton

Electrodes for CUY21SC

We stock over 250 different original electrode configurations specifically designed for use with the CUY21 electroporator range.  This significantly expands the experimental applications range of our clients.

We also offer a customized electrode design service.  We can design and manufacture electrodes to our particular research requirements.

Please feel free to contact us

If you see an electrode you want more information on, please enter the product code (e.g., CUY650P5) into the 'Search by product code, name or application' search box on the top left hand side of the webpage and click on the 'Search' button.

CUY21 SC Electroporator


CUY21 Illustrated Applications

CUY21 Electrode Recommendations



CUY21 Electroporation Publications - Full List

CUY21 Electroporation Publications - by Research Interest


CUY21SC Square Wave Electrop


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