[2007] Ultrasound-directed drug delivery |
Postema M, Gilja OH
Department of Engineering, The University of Hull, Kingston Upon Hull, HU6 7RX, UK |
Current pharmaceutical biotechnology, 8(6):355-61 - December 2007 |
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Ultrasound-directed drug delivery |
Postema M, Gilja OH
Department of Engineering, The University of Hull, Kingston Upon Hull, HU6 7RX, UK |
Current pharmaceutical biotechnology, 8(6):355-61 - December 2007 |
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Optimization of ultrasound and microbubbles targeted gene delivery to cultured primary endothelial cells |
Meijering BD, Henning RH, Van Gilst WH, Gavrilovic I, Van Wamel A, Deelman LE
Department of Clinical Pharmacology, Groningen Institute for Drug Exploration (GUIDE), University Medical Center Groningen, University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands |
Journal of drug targeting, 15(10):664-71 - December 2007 |
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Hydrodynamics- and ultrasound-based transfection of heart with naked plasmid DNA |
Pinto de Carvalho L, Takeshita D, Carillo BA, Garcia Lisbôa BC, Molina G, Beutel A, Yasumura EG, Takiya CM, Valero VB, Ribeiro de Campos R Jr, Dohmann HF, Han SW
Interdisciplinary Center for Gene Therapy (CINTERGEN), Federal University of São Paulo, São Paulo-SP, 04044-010, Brazil |
Human gene therapy, 18(12):1233-43 - December 2007 |
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Sonopermeabilization: Therapeutic alternative with ultrasound and microbubbles |
Kaddur K, Palanchon P, Tranquart F, Pichon C, Bouakaz A
Unité Inserm 619, Hôpital Bretonneau, CHU Tours, Université François Rabelais, 2 boulevard Tonnellé, 37044 Tours cedex, France
Journal de radiologie, 88(11 Pt 2):1777-86 - November 2007 |
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Ultrasound-contrast agent mediated naked gene delivery in the peritoneal cavity of adult rat |
Guo H, Leung JC, Chan LY, Tsang AW, Lam MF, Lan HY, Lai KN
Department of Medicine, Queen Mary Hospital, University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong
Gene therapy, 14(24):1712-20 - December 2007 |
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Ultrasound microbubble contrast agents: fundamentals and application to gene and drug delivery |
Ferrara K, Pollard R, Borden M
Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of California, Davis, California 95616-8686, USA. kwferrara@ucdavis.edu
Annual review of biomedical engineering , 9:415-47 - 2007 |
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Ultrasound-mediated DNA transfer for bacteria |
Song Y, Hahn T, Thompson IP, Mason TJ, Preston GM, Li G, Paniwnyk L, Huang WE
Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, Oxford, OX1 3SR, UK
Nucleic Acids Research , 35(19):e129 - 2007 |
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Sonoporation of suspension cells with a single cavitation bubble in a microfluidic confinement |
Gac SL, Zwaan E, Berg A, Ohl CD
BIOS The Lab-on-a-Chip group, MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology, University of Twente, P.O. Box 217, 7500 AE Enschede, The Netherlands (Email: a.vandenberg@ewi.utwente.nl)
Lab on a chip , 7(12):1666-72 - December 2007 |
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Effective gene delivery with liposomal bubbles and ultrasound as novel non-viral system |
Suzuki R, Takizawa T, Negishi Y, Utoguchi N, Maruyama K
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Teikyo University, Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan
Journal of drug targeting, 15(7-8):531-7. - Aug-Sep 2007 |
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