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NEPA21 Electroporator
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- CUY21 EDIT-S Electroporator
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SONIDEL SP100 and KTAC4000
Electro Cell Fusion
LF101 and LF201

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Product Code: SONIDEL STK10

Desc:Ultrasound Transfection Positive Control
Applic:Sonoporation Transfection Kit

Featured Electrode

Product Code: CUY651P

Electrodes for Electroporation
Tweezers with platinum U-shape platinum electrodes, outer: 6mmf inner: 3mmf

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SONIDEL® Limited Publication Directory
The SONIDEL Limited publication / protocol directory may be searched by Category (None, Sonoporation, Electroporation, Electro Cell Fusion). In addition, one may further narrow one's search co-ordinates by Research Name, Article Title or Key Word. Please note that the Electroporation listings are for articles citing the use of the CUY21 electroporation system and its custom designed electrodes.

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Targeted sonodynamic therapy of cancer using a photosensitizer conjugated with antibody against carcinoembryonic antigen
Abe H, Kuroki M, Tachibana K, Li T, Awasthi A, Ueno A, Matsumoto H, Imakiire T, Yamauchi Y, Yamada H, Ariyoshi A, Kuroki M.
Department of Biochemistry, Fukuoka University School of Medicine, Japan.
Anticancer Research, Volume 22, Issue 3, Pages 1575-1580 - May-Jun 2002
Development of safe and efficient novel nonviral gene transfer using ultrasound: enhancement of transfection efficiency of naked plasmid DNA in skeletal muscle
Y Taniyama 1, 2, K Tachibana 3, K Hiraoka 1, M Aoki 2, S Yamamoto 1, K Matsumoto 4, T Nakamura 1, T Ogihara 1, Y Kaneda 2 and R Morishita 1, 2
1 Department of Geriatric Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka University, Suita, Japan
2 Division of Gene Therapy Science, Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka University, Japan
3 First Department of Anatomy, Fukuoka University, School of Medicine, Hakata, Japan
4 Division of Biochemistry, Department of Oncology, Biomedical Research Center, Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka University, Japan
Gene Therapy, Volume 9, Number 6, Pages 372-380 - March 2002
Targeting Axons to Specific Fiber Tracts In Vivo by Altering Cadherin Expression
Ullrich Treubert-Zimmemann 1 (E-mail:, Dominik Heyers 1 and Christoph Redies 1
1 Institute of Anatomy, University of Essen Medical School, D-45122 Essen, Germany
The Journal of Neuroscience, Volume 22, Issue 17, Pages 7617-7626 - 1 September 2002
Local delivery of plasmid DNA into rat carotid artery using ultrasound
Yoshiaki Taniyama 1, 2, Katsuro Tachibana 3, Kazuya Hiraoka 1, Tsunetatsu Namba 1, Keita Yamasaki 1, Naotaka Hashiya 1, Motokuni Aoki 1, Toshio Ogihara 1, Kaneda Yasufumi 2 and Ryuichi Morishita 1, 2 (E-mail:
1 Department of Geriatric Medicine, Osaka University, Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka, Japan 2 Division of Gene Therapy Science, Osaka University, Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka, Japan
3 First Department of Anatomy, Fukuoka University, School of Medicine, Hakata, Japan.
Circulation, Volume 105, Issue 10, Pages 1233-1239 - 12 March 2002
Stimulation of Arteriogenesis in Skeletal Muscle by Microbubble Destruction With Ultrasound
Ji Song 1, Ming Qi 1, Sanjiv Kaul 1, 2, Richard J. Price 1 (E-mail
1 Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Virginia, Charlottesville. 2 Cardiovascular Division, University of Virginia, Charlottesville.
Circulation, Volume 106, Issue 12, Pages 1550-1555 - 17 Sep 17 2002
Anti-Monocyte Chemoattractant Protein-1 Gene Therapy Limits Progression and Destabilization of Established Atherosclerosis in Apolipoprotein E-Knockout Mice
Shujiro Inoue 1, Kensuke Egashira 1, Weihua Ni 1, Shiro Kitamoto 1, Makoto Usui 1, Kisho Otani 1, Minako Ishibashi 1, Ken-ichi Hiasa 1, Ken-ichi Nishida 2 and Akira Takeshita 1
1 Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan
2 New Product Research Laboratories, Dai-ichi Pharmaceutical Co, Tokyo, Japan
Circulation, Volume 106, Issue 21, Pages 2700-2706 - 19 November 2002
In vitro analysis of the origin, migratory behavior, and maturation of cortical pyramidal cells
Yumiko Hatanaka 1, 2 (E-mail: and Fujio Murakami 1, 2, 3 (E-mail:
1 Division of Behavior and Neurobiology, National Institute for Basic Biology, Okazaki, Aichi 444-8585, Japan
2 CREST, Japan Science and Technology, Kawaguchi, Saitama 332-0012, Japan
3 Laboratory of Neuroscience, Graduate School of Frontier Biosciences, Osaka University, 1-3 Machikaneyama, Toyonaka, Osaka 560-8531, Japan
The Journal of Comparative Neurology, , Volume 454, Issue 1, Pages 1-14 - 2 December 2002
Introduction and expression of foreign genes in cultured mouse embryonic gonads by electroporation
Yuri Nakamura 1, Miwako Yamamoto 1 and Yasuhisa Matsui 1 (E-mail:> 1 Department of Molecular Embryology, Research Institute, Osaka Medical Center for Maternal and Child Health, Izumi, Japan
Reproduction, Fertility and Development, Volume 14, Number 5, Pages 259-265 - 22 August 2002
Human Alkaline Phosphatase Expression and Secretion into Chicken Eggs after in Vivo Gene Electroporation in the Oviduct of Laying Hens
Hiroshi Takami 1, Hisako Watanabe 1, Yasushige Ohmori 1, Hyi-Man Park 1 and Tatsuo Muramatsua 1
1 Department of Applied Molecular Biosciences, Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences, Nagoya University, Nagoya, 464-8601, Japan
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, Volume 292, Issue 1, Pages 88-93 - 22 March 2002
Observations of pressure-wave-excited contrast agent bubbles in the vicinity of cells
B. Wolfrum, R. Mettin, T. Kurz, and W. Lauterborn
Drittes Physikalisches Institut, Universiat Gottingen, Burgerstr. 42-44, 37073 Gottingen, Germany
Applied Physics Letters, Volume 81, Issue 26, Pages 5060-5062 - 23 December 2002

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