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NEPA21 Electroporator
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- CUY21 EDIT-S Electroporator
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Featured Applications
SONIDEL SP100 and KTAC4000
Electro Cell Fusion
LF101 and LF201

Featured Device

Product Code: SONIDEL SP100

Applic:(hover for application)Application:
  • Delivery of plasmids to cells and tissues for gene therapy-based applications and studies.
  • Delivery of nucleic acids such as siRNA, RNAi etc. to cells and tissues for studies on control of gene expression/gene therapy.
  • Delivery of cancer chemotherapeutic agents to impermeable target cells/tissues.
  • Delivery of agents to cells to study metabolic effects.

Featured Electrode

Product Code: CUY513-5

Electrodes for Electroporation
Stainless Steel, Electrodes for adhesive cells w/3 plates, 5mm gap

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SONIDEL® Limited Publication Directory
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Gain- and loss-of-function in chick embryos by electroporation
Harukazu Nakamura 1 (E-mil:, Tatsuya Katahira 1, Tatsuya Sato 1, Yuji Watanabe 1 and Jun-ichi Funahashi 1
1 Department of Molecular Neurobiology, Graduate School of Life Sciences, and Institute of Development, Aging & Cancer, Tohoku University, Seiryo-machi 4-1, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8575, Japan
Mechanisms of Development, Volume 121, Issue 9, Pages 1137-1143 - September 2004
Cadherins guide migrating Purkinje cells to specific parasagittal domains during cerebellar development
Jiankai Luo 1, 2 (E-mail:, Ullrich Treubert-Zimmermann 1, 2 and Christoph Redies 1, 2
1 Institute of Anatomy, University of Essen School of Medicine, D-45122, Essen, Germany
2 Institute of Anatomy I, University of Jena, D-07740, Jena, Germany
MCN (Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience), Volume 25, Issue 1, Pages 138-152 - January 2004
Muscle-targeted interleukin-12 gene therapy of orthotopic hepatocellular carcinoma in mice using in vivo electrosonoporation
Yo-ichi Yamashita 1, Mitsuo Shimada 1, Ryosuke Minagawa 2, Eiji Tsujita 1, Norifumi Harimoto 1, Shinji Tanaka 1, Ken Shirabe 1, Jun-ichi Miyazaki 3 and Yoshihiko Maehara 1
1 Department of Surgery and Science, Graduate School of Medical Sciences 2 Department of Immunology, Medical Institute of Bioregulation, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan
3 Division of Stem Cell Regulation Research, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka, Japan
Molecular Cancer Therapeutics, Volume 3, Issue 9, Pages 1177-1182 - September 2004
A NUDEL-dependent mechanism of neurofilament assembly regulates the integrity of CNS neurons
Minh Dang Nguyen 1, 2 (E-mail:, Tianzhi Shu 1, Kamon Sanada 1, Roxanne C. Lariviere 2, *, Huang-Chun Tseng 1, Sang Ki Park 1, Jean-Pierre Julien 2, * and Li-Huei Tsai 1 (E-mail:
1 Department of Pathology, Harvard Medical School and Howard Hughes Medical Institute, 77 Avenue Louis Pasteur, New Research Building, Room 856-8, MA 02115, USA
2 Centre for Research in Neuroscience, The Montreal General Hospital Research Institute, 1650 Cedar Avenue, Montreal, Quebec, H3G 1A4, Canada
* Present address: CHUL Research Center, Department of Anatomy and Physiology, Laval University, 2705 Boulevard Laurier, Sainte-Foy, Quebec, G1V 4G2, Canada
Nature Cell Biology, Volume 6, Number 7, Pages 595-608 - July 2004
RGM and its receptor neogenin regulate neuronal survival
Eiji Matsunaga 1, Servane Tauszig-Delamasure 2, Philippe P. Monnier 3, 4, Bernhard K. Mueller 3, 5, Stephen M. Strittmatter 6, Patrick Mehlen 2 and Alain Chedotal 1, 7
1 UMR CNRS 7102, Universite Paris 6, 9 Quai Saint Bernard, 75005 Paris, France
2 CNRS UMR 5534, Label 'la Ligue', University of Lyon, 69622 Villeurbanne, France
3 MigraGen AG, Spemannstrasse 34, D-72076 Tuebingen, Germany
4 Toronto Western Hospital, 399 Bathurst Street, Toronto, M5T258, ON, Canada
5 Abboto GmbH & Co KG, Knollstrasse, 67601 Ludwigshafen, Germany
6 Department of Neurology, Yale University School of Medicine, 333 Cedar Street, New Haven, CT 06510, USA
Nature Cell Biology, Volume 6, Issue 8, Pages 749-755 - August 2004
Guidance of myocardial patterning in cardiac development by Sema6D reverse signalling
Toshihiko Toyofuku 1, 2, 3, Hong Zhang 1, 2, Atsushi Kumanogoh 2, 3, Noriko Takegahara 2, Masanori Yabuki 1, 2, Koichiro Harada 1, 2, Masatsugu Hori 1 and Hitoshi Kikutani 2, 3
1 Department of Internal Medicine and Therapeutics, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine, 2-2 Yamada-oka, Suita, Osaka 565-0871, Japan
2 Department of Molecular Immunology, Research Institute for Microbial Diseases, Osaka University, 3-1 Yamada-oka, Suita, Osaka 565-0871, Japan
3 CREST, Japan Science and Technology Corporation, Japan
Nature Cell Biology, Volume 6, Number 12, Pages 1204-1211 - December 2004
BMP signaling inhibits intestinal stem cell self-renewal through suppression of Wnt-beta-catenin signaling
Xi C He 1, *, Jiwang Zhang 1, *, Wei-Gang Tong 1, Ossama Tawfik 2, Jason Ross 1, David H Scoville 1, 2, Qiang Tian 3, Xin Zeng 4, Xi He 4, Leanne M Wiedemann 1, 2, Yuji Mishina 5 and Linheng Li 1, 2 (E-mail:
1 Stowers Institute for Medical Research, 1000 E 50th Street, Kansas City, Missouri 64110, USA
2 Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Kansas University Medical Center, Kansas City, Kansas 66160, USA
3 Institute of Systemsbiology, Seattle, Washington 98103, USA
4 Children's Hospital and Harvard University Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts 02115, USA
5 Laboratory of Reproductive and Developmental Toxicology, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27709, USA
* These two authors contributed equally to this work.
Nature Genetics, Volume 36, Number 10, Pages 1117-1121 - October 2004
Initiation of neuropathic pain requires lysophosphatidic acid receptor signaling
Makoto Inoue 1, Md Harunor Rashid 1, Ryousuke Fujita 1, James J A Contos 2, Jerold Chun 3 and Hiroshi Ueda 1
1 Division of Molecular Pharmacology and Neuroscience, Nagasaki University, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, 1-14 Bunkyo-machi, Nagasaki, 852-8521, Japan
2 Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, 1100 Fairview Ave N., Seattle, Washington 98109-1024, USA
3 Department of Molecular Biology, Helen L. Dorris Institute for Neurological and Psychiatric Disorders, The Scripps Research Institute, 10550 N. Torrey Pines Road, La Jolla, California 92037, USA
Nature Medicine, Volume 10, Number 7, Pages 712-718 - July 2004
Direct transfer of hepatocyte growth factor gene into kidney suppresses cyclosporin A nephrotoxicity in rats
Koji Yazawa 1, Yoshitaka Isaka 2, Shiro Takahara 1, Enyu Imai 2, Naotsugu Ichimaru 1, Yi Shi 1, Yukiomi Namba 1 and Akihiko Okuyama 1
1 Department of Urology, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine, Suita, Japan
2 Department of Internal Medicine and Therapeutics, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine, Suita, Japan
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, Volume 19, Issue 4, Pages 812-816 - April 2004
Sequence-specific gene silencing in murine muscle induced by electroporation-mediated transfer of short interfering RNA
Tsunao Kishida 1, Hidetsugu Asada 1, Satoshi Gojo 3, Suzuyo Ohashi 2, Masaharu Shin-Ya 1, Kakei Yasutomi 1, Ryu Terauchi 2, Kenji A. Takahashi 2, Toshikazu Kubo 2, Jiro Imanishi 1, Osam Mazda 1 ,br> 1 Department of Microbiology, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine, Kyoto 602- 8566, Japan
2 Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine, Kyoto 602- 8566, Japan
3 Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Saitama Medical Center, Kawagoe, Saitama 350- 8550, Japan
The Journal of Gene Medicine, Volume 6, Issue 1, Pages 105-110 - January 2004

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